Ashventure: The Adventure of Ash pt. 21 - Ashventure: The Adventure of Ash pt. 21
Posted May 22, 2023 at 12:06 pm

💚 Hello! 💚 

Sorry for the late update, I was under the weather most of the weekend but feeling much better now.

I'll try to have next week's update ready by Monday morning, this month has been strangely busy.

In other news,

this Saturday in Burbank, CA I'll be tabling at a small Artist Alley at Game Realms with a group of cool artists!

My online Ko-fi shop will be closed during the weekend so I don't lose track of any new orders, but will be back online next Monday.

I'll have a new enamel pin, and a few other goodies that I'll have at Game Realms but will be available online after the event.

Have a great week!


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