I'm going to be tabling at Long Beach Comic Con next weekend, and will be on a panel Sunday. I'll have some Harpy stuff with me!
1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Sunday,
Comics from the Animation Side Comics come at us from all sides of art, artists Mike Kunkel, Brianne Drouhard, and Mike Collins bring the animation side! Bringing animation-inspired looks and influences to their work, they truly make for some visually unique and awesome stories told in comics!
Mega Princess is now available for pre order, please let your local comic book shop know!
Written by Kelly Thompson and I’m drawing!
Initial Orders Due: September 2
Final Orders Due: October 10
On sale date: November 2
for the Women of DC gallery show
at the @ThePerkyNerd in Burbank, CA, September 23rd, 8pm.
The original piece will be available for purchase at the shop.